
Be who you are and be that well.....

I can't take credit for that great thought. The credit goes to an amazing Saint who changed my life, St. Francis de Sales. I believe today is his feast day. There was a time about 5 years ago when I was over my head in work, waking up already behind and buried in tasks, meetings, details, timelines, you name it. It was my biggest wedding season ever; my team and I did 21 full service weddings.

That year, I stumbled upon a quote of his and kept it on the fridge for years. Agg, cannot find it at the moment, but in essence, He said...'do one thing at a time and do it as well as you can.' Wow. Process that for a minute. Total peace, because one doesn't think about the next task if one is giving 100% to the present task. The ripple effect in your business and personal life of doing 'one thing at a time as perfectly as possible' is astronomical. My stress level went down and my quality of product and service went up.

From that point, I became a bit of a follower of his ideas. Here are some of his thoughts I keep nearby and handy (his sayings abbreviated in to my own words...)

Give the Holy Spirit permission
Be persistent in your prayer, don't stop knocking on the door
Accept and do not be afraid, grow in your faith
Difficult situations form me, the PRESENT is God's will
Be steady in the course of holiness, never give up
Follow God's will in making decisions, if we act upon holy inspirations, it will bring us peace
Learn to embrace your cross
Do not be discouraged by your failings, that is how we learn. Get up and move on

Abandon yourself completely to God's will - His will is perfect in His time.

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